Medibank Massage Port Douglas

To book a Medibank Private remedial massage, you can follow these steps:

  1. Find a remedial massage therapist Call Tanya on 0408054538 or send a text. Tanya Galvin is a registered Medibank Private provider. You can search for providers on the Medibank Private website or by calling their customer service line.
  2. Contact the therapist to book an appointment. You should let them know that you are a Medibank Private member and that you would like to claim back the cost of the treatment through your extras cover.
  3. If the therapist has a HICAPS machine, they can process your claim on the spot. You will need to provide your Medibank Private membership card and pay any remaining gap fee after your benefit has been applied.
  4. If the therapist does not have a HICAPS machine, you will need to pay for the treatment upfront and then claim the cost back through your extras cover. To do this, you will need to provide Medibank Private with a receipt from the therapist that includes their provider number, the date of the treatment, the cost of the treatment, and the type of treatment received.
  5. You can claim your benefit by submitting your receipt online through the Medibank Private website, through the Medibank Private app, or by post. You will need to provide your membership details, the details of the treatment, and the amount you are claiming.
  6. Once your claim has been processed, Medibank Private will deposit the benefit amount into your nominated bank account or send you a cheque in the mail.

It’s important to note that Medibank Private may not cover the full cost of your treatment, depending on your level of extras cover and any waiting periods that apply. You should check your policy details and speak to Medibank Private directly if you have any questions about your coverage or claiming process.

Medibank Massage Port Douglas
Medibank Massage Port Douglas